Marine LNG made easy

Unique experience in the sale and purchase of LNG as a marine fuel


Unique experience in the sale and purchase of LNG as a marine fuel


LNG is not a new product. Purchasing or selling LNG as a marine fuel can be a daunting task though. We have the experience to help you be successful.

Feasibility studies

Will Marine LNG make sense for me? Whether you are a ship owner looking to invest in new tonnage or an LNG producer looking to unlock a new market, we can help you understand the commercial appeal.

Strategy development

What's a winning strategy to be successful? If you're buying LNG, we can help you finetune your tenders to achieve the best outcome. If you're selling LNG, we can help you provide the best possible offer.


Once you've determined that Marine LNG works for you and you have a winning strategy, it is time to put this in a contract. We have unrivaled experience in the field of Marine LNG contracting, having led negotiations on virtually all contracts currently in place.


Let's get your organization up to speed as well! We can provide training services tailor-made for you, ranging from understanding the market, to pricing dynamics and the ins and out of contracting.

Further decarbonization

Marine LNG will help you achieve a significant reduction in CO2 emissions, but how do you get carbon neutral? We can advise you on further steps, both in terms of bio- and synthetic fuels and offsets.

Ad hoc advice

A difficult question pops up on Marine LNG  and you need some quick, ad hoc advice? Contact us and we'll be pleased to help you!

Arjan Stavast

Arjan is a veteran in this relatively young market. He started working in Marine LNG in 2013. Until late 2020 he headed Shell's business development activities for LNG as a marine fuel in Europe and the Middle East.

Arjan led all negotiations with major counterparts, making Shell the market leader in Marine LNG. He was also key for strategy, partnering and network development and has been a key note speaker at numerous conferences.

Arjan holds a Msc with distinction in Economics from the Erasmus University Rotterdam. He is fluent in English, German and Dutch.

Contact us

If you're interested in our services, please feel free to get in touch via the form below, or approach us directly on +31640790388 or

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